(South, Father) The first Taegeuk is the beginning of all Poomses. The associated trigram represents Yang (heaven, light), therefore, this Poomse should be performed with the greatness of Heaven
Start : Begin with Chunbi position

MOVEMENT 1: Tum 90 degrees left, moving left foot out into a left walking stance facing towud D and execute a left arm low block.
Meaning: defense against an attack to the middle section of the body.

MOVEMENT 2: Step forward with right foot into a right walking stance and punch with right fist to middle section.
Meaning: counterattack by defender.

MOVEMENT 3: Turn 180 degree right, step with right foot into a right walking stance facing C and execute a left arm low block.
Meaning: defense against an attack to the middle section of the body.

MOVEMENT 4: Step forward with left foot into a left wailing stance and punch with left fist to middle section.
Meaning: counterattack by defender.

MOVEMENT 5(a): Step 90 degrees left with left foot into a left forward stance facing B and execute a left arm low block.
Meaning: defense against an attack to the low section of the body.

MOVEMENT 5(b) : Remain in same stance and execute a punch to the middle section with the right fist.
Meaning : immediate counterattack by defender.

MOVEMENT 6: Step 90 degrees right with right foot into a right walking stance face E and execute a middle block to the inside using the left arm.
Meaning: defense against an attack to the middle section.

MOVEMENT 7 : Step forward with left foot into a left walking stance and punch to middle section with right fist.
Meaning : counterattack by defender.

MOVEMENT 8: Step 180 degrees left with left foot into a left walking stance facing F and execute a middle block to the inside using the right arm.
Meaning: defense against an attack to the middle section.

MOVEMENT 9: Step forward with right foot into a right walking stance and execute a middle section punch with left fist.
Meaning: counterattack by defender.

MOVEMENT 10(a): Step 90 degrees' right with right-foot into a right forward stance facing B and execute a low block with right arm.
Meaning: defense against an attack to the lower section of the body.

MOVEMENT 10(b): Remain in same stance and execute a middle section punch with left fist.
Meaning: immediate counterattack by defender.

MOVEMENT 11: Step 90 degrees left into a left walking stance facing H and execute a rising block with left arm.
Meaning: defense against a downward attack to the head.

MOVEMENT 12(a): Keeping left foot in place, execute a middle section front kick with right foot.
Meaning: initial counterattack by defender.

MOVEMENT 12(b): Step down with right foot into a right walking stance and execute a middle section punch with right fist.
Meaning: finishing counterattack by defender.

MOVEMENT 13: Step 180 degrees right into a right walking stance facing G and execute a rising block with right arm.
Meaning: defense against a downward attack to the head.

MOVEMENT 14(a): Keeping right foot in place, execute a middle section front kick with left foot
Meaning: initial counterattack by defender.

MOVEMENT 14(b): Step down with left foot into a left walking stance and execute a middle section punch with left fist.
Meaning: finishing counterattack by defender.

MOVEMENT 15: Step 90 degrees right with left foot into a left forward stance facing A and execute a low block with left arm.
Meaning: defense against low section attack.

MOVEMENT 16: Step forward with right foot into a right forward stance and execute a middle section punch with right fist. Yell, "Ki hop!"
Meaning : strong counterattack by defender.
Finish form by turning 180 degrees left, pivoting on right foot to end by, facing B in a ready stance.