(North East, Eldest son) Thunder comes from the sky and is absorbed by the earth. Thunder is one of the most powerful natural forces, circling, gyrating. This Taegeuk/Palgwe should be performed with this in mind.
Start : Begin with Chunbi position

MOVEMENT 1: turn 90 degress left into a left back stance facing D and execute a double knife-hand block.
Meaning : defence against an attack to the middle section

MOVEMENT 2: step forward with right foot into a forward stance and execute a palm block with the left hand followed immediately with a middle target spear-hard strike.
Meaning : simultaneous block and counterattack by defender.

MOVEMENT 3: turn 180 degrees into a back stance facing C and execute a double knife-hand block.
Meaning : defence against an attack to the middle section.

MOVEMENT 4: step forward with left foot into a front stance and execute a palm block with right hand followed immediately with a middle target spear-hand strike.
Meaning : simultaneous block and counterattack by defender.

MOVEMENT 5: turn 90 degrees left into a left froward stance facing B and execute a knife-hand rising block with left hand and simultaneous high sectoin strike with right knife-hand.
Meaning : simultaneous block and counterattack by defender.

MOVEMENT 6(a):execute a middle section front snap kick with right foot.
Meaning : defender takes offensive.

MOVEMENT 6(b):step down with right foot into a right forward stance and execute a middle section punch with left fist.
Meaning : defender continues to take the offensive.

MOVEMENT 7 : execute a middle section side kick with left foot.
Meaning : defender presses offensive and forces opponent back.

MOVEMENT 8(a) : step down with left foot and turn quickly to execute a middle section side kick with right foot
Meaning : defender continues to press opponent back.

MOVEMENT 8(b) : step down with right foot into a right back stance and execute a double knife-hand block.
Meaning : defense against an attack to the middle section.

MOVEMENT 9 : turn 270 degrees left into a left back stance facing G and execute an outer arm block with left arm.
Meaning : defense against an attack to the middle section.

MOVEMENT 10(a) : execute a middle section front kick with right foot
Meaning : counterattack by defender.

MOVEMENT 10(b) : step back with right foot into a left back stance and execute an inner arm block with right arm.
Meaning : defense against an attack to the middle section.

MOVEMENT 11 : turn 180 degrees right into a right back stance facing H and execute an outer arm block with right arm.
Meaning : defense against an attack to the middle section.

MOVEMENT 12(a) : execute a middle section front kick with the left foot
Meaning : counterattack by defender.

MOVEMENT 12(b) : step back with left foot into a right back stance and execute an inner arm block with the left arm.
Meaning : defense against an attack to the middle section.

MOVEMENT 13 : turn 90 degrees left into a left front stance facing A and execute a knife hand rising block with the left hand and a simultaneous high section strike with the right knife-hand.
Meaning : simultaneous block and attack by defender.

MOVEMENT 14(a) : execute a middle section front kick with right foot
Meaning : defender takes the offensive.

MOVEMENT 14(b) : step down with right foot into right front stance facing A and execute a high section strike with right back fist
Meaning : defender lands finishing blow.

MOVEMENT 15 : turn 90 degrees left into a left walking stance facing E and execute an inner arm block using left arm.
Meaning : defense against an attack to the middle section.

MOVEMENT 16 : execute a middle section punch with right fist.
Meaning : counterattack by defender.

MOVEMENT 17 : turn 180 degrees into a right walking stance facing F and execute an inner arm block using the right arm
Meaning : defense against an attack to the middle section.

MOVEMENT 18 : execute a middle section punch with left arm
Meaning : counterattack by defender.

MOVEMENT 19(a) : turn 90 degrees left into a left front stance facing A and execute an inner arm block using the left arm.
Meaning : defense against an attack to the middle section.

MOVEMENT 19(b) : remain in same stance and execute two middle section punches, right fist first

MOVEMENT 19(c) : followed by left fist
Meaning : double counterattack by defender.

MOVEMENT 20(a) : step forward with right foot into a right forward stance and execute an inner arm block using the right arm.
Meaning : defense against an attack to the middle section.

MOVEMENT 20(b) : remain in the same stance and execute two middle target punches, left fist first

MOVEMENT 20(c) : followed by right fist. Yell, "Ki hop!"
Meaning : double counterattack by defender.